Friday, July 22, 2011

1 Year Anniversary: Marando Life

A year ago yesterday, I wrote my very first blog entry. I can't believe everything that has happened in one year, and how quickly it has gone by. Here is a little recap of what has happened since starting this blog, one year ago....

* I turned 25 years old in August.
* I became a wife, on September 25th Ryan and I got married, and had been together for 6 years. I can't believe our one year anniversary is only 2 months away!
* Ryan & I traveled to Mexico for our honeymoon.
* Taylor & Kyle got a puppy, GoldenDoodle Bentley : )
* We got to go back to IU a few times and cheer on the Hoosiers!
* Ryan & I spent our first Thanksgiving & Christmas together.
* Ryan started working as a Sales Rep for Salient Surgical Technologies.
* We made a lot of changes/ updates to our first home (and this Fall we are going to be right back at it!)
* We celebrated in all the pre-wedding festivities for Taylor & Kyle -- California & Vegas Trips, Showers, Golf Outings, ect.
* We ran the Mini-Marathon in Indianapolis.
* We got a new Brother-In-Law!! Taylor & Kyle got married!
*Ryan's parents bought a boat : )
* We had so much fun with friends at the Kenny Chesney Concert.
* I started a new job as the Travel & Meetings Manager at Drum Corps International

I am sure I could on and on with this list, but these were the things that came to mind. I am excited for what we have in store for us the rest of this year as well. After the Drum Corps World Championships in August, Ryan and I are going to Charleston, South Carolina for a trip he won with his company. I am excited because neither one of us has been before. We are going to the Marando's condo for Memorial Day weekend up in Marblehead on Lake Erie with friends. We also have our 1 year anniversary coming up, and are deciding between a long weekend trip to Nashville or Chicago. Ryan was just in Nashville for work and loved it, and thought I would too, so we are leaning towards that. Originally we were thinking Napa Valley, however starting a new job, I didn't think taking so much time off right away was the best idea. We already have out IU Football season tickets ordered, and can't wait to get back down to Bloomington for tailgating and games this Fall. I'm not sure how soon this Fall we will get started, but I have a lot of home improvement ideas on my mind. I have started getting estimates to redo our kitchen and master bathroom. I also want to paint the entire house, and have someone come in and landscape the backyard. Ahh before we know it the holidays will be here lol.

Thank you all who read my blog. It has been a fun first year. Hope everyone had a great rest of the summer!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katelyn, we love Nashville! Lots of fun stuff to do. I'm sure you would enjoy it if you've never been!!
